pretty good, but the same as all your other games
Its a good game, dont get me wrong, I just think you need a little more innovation in your games than just arcade-style shooting games. Yes i know that each one is different and has something unique about it, and I also know that you make some really original games too, but a lot of the ones you've released recently are of the same 'style.' I dont really know what im getting at, because its not my job and i dont have the authority to tell you to make different games, so you can just ignore this whole 'mini-rant' if you like. also, i dont understand why you would give credit to Luminara where it is definately not due. You were making these types of games before Luminara, so its really not inspired by it. Also, Luminara was not the first particle shooter. It was probably the best in terms of being the most famous. I have had some serious problems with people saying my game Shred Zone was a copy of Luminara and how I decompiled the game and just changed the graphics. Luminara is a great game, and I give mad props to jmtb02 for it, but it wasnt the first, and its not the standard for paritcle shooters. ok now that im done with that:
I really liked the game in theory, but when I played for about a minute, I got bored. I dont know if there are different enemies or powerups or something, but I didnt see any while I was playing. Overall, good game.